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The Ripple Drop - Episode 14

Image for The Ripple Drop - Episode 14

Welcome to Episode 14 of The Ripple Drop, a web video series covering the latest news about Ripple’s customers, technology, products and culture.

This episode of Ripple Drop features Xpring, that just celebrated its first anniversary. We talk with two companies under Xpring’s umbrella, Coil and Raised in Space Enterprises, about how they are building innovative solutions on blockchain and XRP.

We first chat with Xpring SVP, Ethan Beard, about what the initiative has accomplished in year one and what it will focus on going forward.

Over the past year, Xpring has focused on building out an ecosystem of companies around XRP. This includes investments and strategic partnerships in over 20 startup companies. In year two, we are starting to layer in developer tools inside of Xpring to make it a developer platform and make it simple for companies to build with XRP.” – Ethan Beard, SVP, Xpring

Next up, we talk with Coil Founder and CEO, Stefan Thomas. The former Ripple CTO shares how Coil can help both content creators and consumers of content across the web. He also provides insight into the company’s recent partnership with Imgur.

“Coil is working to establish a new web standard for monetization. Our hope is that one day this standard will be so ubiquitous that most websites will support it and provide a more competitive advantage for smaller and independent content creators.” – Stefan Thomas, CEO, Coil

Finally, we interview the Raised in Space Enterprises leadership team to learn how they are supporting innovative companies and artists in the music industry. CEO Zach Katz and President Shara Senderoff fill us in on how blockchain and digital assets can shape the future of the music business.

“The music industry has been traditional in its view of the relationship between an artist and a fan. Blockchain is a powerful new tool to empower new relationships where artists can invite and incentivize fans to experience music in an exclusive way.” – Zach Katz, CEO, Raised in Space

“There are roughly 30,000 new songs released every day. To stand out and diversify, artists have a greater need to provide their fans authenticity and exclusivity. With this exclusivity comes the need for a blockchain solution that is able to track how monetization is exchanged.” – Shara Senderoff, President, Raised in Space

We hope you enjoy this episode! Let us know in the comments if there are any topics you would like us to cover in the future.

If you haven’t already, catch up on previous episodes here and subscribe to Ripple’s YouTube Channel, where we will be featuring extended cuts!